Buried Magic by TJ Green

Buried Magic by TJ Green

Author:TJ Green
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Witches and Wizards, witchy fiction, paranormal fiction, urban fantasy, dark fantasy, witch fiction, Magic and mystery, English urban fantasy, urban fantasy series, supernatural fiction, small town fantasy mysteries
Publisher: Mountolive Publishing
Published: 2020-02-14T16:00:00+00:00


Saturdays were always busy, customers streaming in and out of the shop, and all the talk was about the celebrations on the beach later. Avery, like many others, had decorated her shop window. The day passed in a whirl of chat and sales, and she barely had time to think about their own celebrations that night.

Neither Dan nor Sally made any mention of their conversation from the previous day, and Avery was relieved. On his way out the door, Dan asked, “Are you going to any of the celebrations on the beach later?”

“No. I’ll be celebrating privately tonight. Are you?”

He grinned. “Sure, who doesn’t enjoy a good bonfire, a bit of chanting by our local pagan druid, and a few beers?”

She laughed. One of the town councillors liked to officiate at the Solstice and Equinox celebrations, proclaiming himself the local druid. Visitors and locals loved it, although there was no real magic involved at all. The crowds should be enough to keep the demon and whoever was controlling it away. “Good. Stay with the crowds. And enjoy!”

The pale blue sky seemed like a lid on the town, trapping the heat of the day within the lanes and buildings. One of the pleasures of mid-summer, Avery thought, was the light that lasted late into the night. She headed into the garden, spending the next few hours preparing for the other witches’ arrival, and trying to ignore her growing hunger pangs. Some magic needed an empty stomach so Avery hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

They had decided to celebrate the Solstice with a very non-witchy BBQ after their celebration. Avery’s brick-built BBQ hadn’t been used since the previous summer, so she scrubbed it clean. She prepared salads for later, and made sure there were plenty of candles to supplement the low electric lighting that illuminated the garden paths, plants, and the table; the whole place would look pretty and magical.

Alex arrived first, letting himself through the gate. Avery heard the crunch of the gravel as he headed down the path. She sat at the table sipping water and smiled as he came into view. Last week, she had wanted to strangle him, but now her heart raced a little quicker as she remembered that long, lingering kiss.

He sank into the chair opposite hers. “How you doing?”

“I’ve been better.”

He placed his proffered beer in the cooler and took a swig of water. “Thanks for the heads-up yesterday. DI Newton arrived with his silent witness in tow. What a creepy pair they are.”

“They do have a murder to investigate.”

“I know. I’m trying to make light of a bad situation. I’m not normally suspected of murder.” He looked around. “I can feel you’ve increased your protection.”

“Yep. And I gave Dan and Sally an amulet bag, too.”

He raised his eyebrows.

“Apparently, a few locals know I’m a witch—and you too, probably. They mentioned others and I didn’t ask. I’m really not sure how much they know of what we actually can do, but we’re trusted to do the right thing, apparently.


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